- Orangey Green Juice
- The Pool Looking very Inviting
Posted late due to temporary DoDo extinction
Couldn’t sleep during the night so decided to do the tread mill instead of the outdoor walk and had a bit of a sleep-in listening to the rain on the roof. Blood glucose at 8am (5.1mmol) and then to the planned treadmill for 20mins at 130 beats per minute…managed to get to 150 so lowered the mill to 8% slope instead of 10%. Breakfast was back to the favourite of paw-paw and blueberries with lecithin, flaxseed and a side of 6 almonds (to replace the protein previously provided by the yoghurt).
Off to aqua-aerobics and only two of us left in the class so we have to work twice as hard….shower etc ready for a juice (no beetroot this time) and a turn in the shuttle (as the VibraSaun is affectionately known). When the shaking is over a quick change and off to join the fitball class…..man those balls are big and tricky to balance on. Get through with the balls and off to lunch. I discover that the salad has a name “HopeWood Salad”. No new vegetables to report. The side was spicy bean casserole and was so tasty I think even Peter would like it.
Bit of a rest after lunch before heading of to learn how to make delicious vegetarian food. I got to wear the blue plastic gloves to roll the patties, balls and croquets of falafel – I say again variety is the spice of life and three different shapes of falafel is certainly variety. Got to taste a croquet of falafel with a tasty dip (minus the yogurt as I’m banned from yogurt at the moment) – wonder if I will have to declare it!.
After winning the Hopewood Chef’s challenge off to yoga and I notice I am definitely more flexible – Yay for me! The relaxation at the end is a bit short – never mind because the talk on “Successful Management of Our Stress” is following on closely after the afternoon Juice.
Message from stress management class is “if the oxygen masks drop down fit your own mask first before helping others” – this must be the Virgin Blue Stress management class. I have a whole double sided A4 page of other hints and tips if you are interested.
Finished not-stressing just in time for dinner – Asparagus Frittata and steamed green vegetables – no other colors! Just the green ones.
One last meditation for the day using the hand over head technique – which is quite successful and then a call home to speak to both my darlings (so need to redo the meditation as it is very hectic there at Burrandong Cres).