Up early for a lemon juice starter and off for a morning ‘walk’. Ooops my watch is slower than their clock so everyone has left. Lucky for me Kate also has a dodgy watch and has been on the walk before and knows which way they are heading – so we set off in pursuit. Eventually I catch up with the Peloton (after much jogging and heavy breathing) by this time Kate is with the lead pack…Go Kate! Get my breath back and travelling okay on the flats but the hills are killers (at least 15 Deg slopes!!!).
More lemon juice and then breakfast of Paw Paw and Blueberries followed by yoghurt topped with lecithin and flaxseed.
Time for a quick shower and off to the pool for aqua-aerobics….followed by another shower to get rid of the chlorine and a Body Blast – and what a blast it was….had to have another shower and off for a delicious juice (same as yesterday) and a VibraSaun. After an initial panic attack about being locked in a hot cabinet which vibrated I realised I could actually get out anytime so then I relaxed and enjoyed the soothing music.
Off to lunch (thankfully no need for another shower!) and it is tofu bake with salad…tofu bake is tomato based and had the texture of tinned fish…not too bad.
Food demonstration cancelled (due to food poisoning??) which is ok since I have a Spa Pedicure to attend. Hmm totally relaxing and beautiful colour nails to impress my socks!
Feeling relaxed ready for Yoga – when the sickness sets in…first a small headache (which I had been warned about) but then sweating (even during the easy poses) and nausea…have to leave in a hurry and visit the ladies on way to the “health centre” (otherwise known as sick bay!). Several Cold packs and Peppermint waters later I’m feeling well enough to have my afternoon juice (Beetroot etc etc) and off to my room with various hot packs/cold packs and potions to have a lay down and ward off the headache.
Feeling much better after an hour so decide to get up and have dinner to prevent later starvation and not being able to sleep. Missed the collage activity through sleeping etc…oh well can’t attend everything. Doing fine until about 9:30pm, ring the “health centre” (they are on call 24/7…excellent). They bring down more heat and cool packs and then make a second trip with peppermint water and lavender lotion which they kindly massage into my neck. Feeling okay until I lay down then it is off to the bathroom to drive the porcelain bus…not so good but feel better after another shower (that’s four for the day!). Then off to the land of nod where no one is ever sick!