- Pool Temperature
- Having Fun at Aqua
- The JigSaw!
Had to finish packing and checkout by 10am, still trying to finish jigsaw before leaving, return cd’s,dispose of ‘sharps’ and pay….hmm it’s a big day – take a deep breath.
Somehow my belonging have expanded and no longer fit into my suitcase and backpack – so off to pay and see if there are any plastic bags available (if only I’d popped in the expandable bags that the G gave me for Christmas – lesson learned). Plastic bag is of the small bin liner variety – but will have to do. Running a bit late but run into a fellow Hopewoodian and we dash to the Gym to do 10mins on the equipment – every little bit counts. Back to my room and 15mins to go……manage to get everything packed, including several sets of clothing for the days activities in the ‘black bag’. Hand in key and dash off to the “listening to your body seminar” – only a few minutes late. Listen to my body and it’s telling me I need to finish the jigsaw – run into my jigsaw buddy and we give it a last burst of effort – get it finished!!! yayyy. Okay another thing ticked off. Lunch is next –still on the buffet but looking out for low carb uncooked food – yummy salads – pea, asparagas and advocado, green salad with walnuts and for hot food lentil and carrot loaf – yummmm (and now I have the receipe).
Lunch is dealt with, now to get ready for the last Aqua class – Apart from the people the pool is the thing I will miss the most! Make it a memorable last effort and then sprint for a shower and head back to the office to hand in my robe and pick up my luggage (including hairbrush). Hair is wet and wild but when I get to reception I see Blackish…and then Peter and Lara! yeah they are here. After a big reunion we load the car and head off to Baulkham. Peter has bought 3 juicy steaks for dinner…….