Well this blog is coming out late as just as I was about to publish it last night it disappeared, there was no trace, and it had been such a great day.
We started at 7pm with the lemon water and a catch up about how each of us has slept (that way you know who will be a bit out of it during the day!). As the weather was expected to turn to rain the difficult walk to Cedar Falls was put on for today rather than tomorrow, leaving just after breakfast (which was mushrooms on toast for those gourmands among you).
Peter, headed off for to Cedar Falls just after breakfast, having read the disclaimer I decided on a less deadly walk “the Promenade”. I set off, and realised that no one had taken their poles – which seemed to be a necessity for the Falls walk, so returned to the lodge to catch the leader (who was driving to the start point) alas he had left, but another staff member took the poles – disaster averted. Of course when he delivered them no one wanted one….Oops
I did an additional 2 trips to the gate and back (which is the Promanade!) clocking up 7812 steps..yay me. Was back in time for an information session about how to eat more and weigh less…which sounds great. On to cooking demonstration where we learned to make Mexican Beans, Lemon Flan, Hummus, Cashew Mayonnaise, Jack Cheese and scrumptious little balls of deliciousness with almonds and coconut (I don’t recall their name). This had our stomachs rumbling – but with more than an hour and a half before lunch we had to find other diversions. I actually spent a bit of time on this very blog only to have it disappear just before bedtime…but lets not dwell.
I also squeezed in a stretch class so was full height when I sat down to eat our Mexican Bean, lettuce, Guacamole, Jack Cheese and Corn Chip lunch…actually I substituted the corn chips for lettuce after hearing about the horrors of corn chips and other tasty snacks at our morning information session.
A promanade, a hot – cold treatment on my liver, a Spa, and a foot massage rounded out the afternoon, with tomato soup followed by custard and berries for dessert. I also squeezed in a cracker with not butter and vegemite – I think I’m addicted.
Sweet Dreams